Learn the basics of Stateflow® for representing supervisory control and complex decision logic. Use state machines and flow charts to efficiently model and simulate instantaneous changes in dynamic systems.
Familiarize yourself with the course.
Understand state machines and how to create them in Stateflow.
Learn how to create Stateflow Charts.
Understand Stateflow Data and Data Scope.
Control chart execution with actions.
Learn about the relationship between Stateflow chart execution and Simulink.
Model the supervisory control for a home vacuum robot.
Use flow charts to model common logic patterns.
Improve chart readability and reuse code using functions.
Organize your charts using hierarchy.
Model the driving modes for a home vacuum robot.
Learn about next steps and give feedback on the course.
Learn how to use Simulink, a graphical simulation tool for modeling dynamic physical systems.
Get started quickly with the basics of feedback control design in Simulink.
Get started quickly with the basics of MATLAB.
Get started quickly with the basics of Simulink.