Learn the basics of MATLABĀ® through this introductory tutorial on commonly used features and workflows. Get started with the MATLAB language and environment so that you can analyze science and engineering data.
Familiarize yourself with the course.
Enter commands in MATLAB to perform calculations and create variables.
Write and save your own MATLAB programs.
Create MATLAB variables that contain multiple elements.
Use indexing to extract and modify rows, columns, and elements of MATLAB arrays.
Perform calculations on entire arrays at once.
Call functions with multiple outputs.
Use the MATLAB documentation to learn more about MATLAB features.
Visualize variables using plotting functions.
Bring data from external files into MATLAB.
Use relational operators and logical indexing to extract elements of interest from MATLAB arrays.
Write programs that execute code based on specified conditions.
Apply concepts that you learned in this course to a project.
Learn next steps and give feedback on the course.
Customize, annotate, and export a variety of visualizations.
Get acquainted with MATLAB tools to help you work more efficiently in the environment.