Overview of the course.
Using the MATLAB Desktop
Use interactive tools to simplify tasks. Customize the desktop environment.
- Customizing the MATLAB Environment
- Creating Informative Scripts
Creating and Manipulating Arrays
Create, combine, and reshape arrays.
- Summary of Creating and Manipulating Arrays
Accessing Data in Arrays
Extract subsets of arrays, and modify elements in an array.
- Accessing Multiple Elements of Arrays
- Summary of Accessing Data in Arrays
Mathematical and Statistical Operations with Arrays
Use arrays as mathematical objects or as collections of (vector) data. Understand the appropriate use of MATLAB to distinguish between these applications.
- Performing Operations on Arrays
- Calculating Statistics of Vectors
- Using Statistical Operations on Matrices
- Summary of Operations with Arrays
Visualizing Data in 2D and 3D
Identify and use plot types for 2D and 3D visualization. Modify plot properties.
- Identifying Available Vector Plot Types
- Customizing Plot Properties
- Plotting Multiple Columns
- Summary of Visualizing Data in 2D and 3D
Conditional Data Selection
Extract and analyze subsets of data that satisfy given criteria.
- Logical Operations and Variables
- Summary of Conditional Data Selection
Review Project I
Tie together several topics covered in the course.
- Project - Halfway Review of Fundamentals
Tables of Data
Import data as a MATLAB table. Work with data stored as a table.
- Extracting Portions of a Table
- Extracting Data from a Table
- Summary of Tables of Data
Organizing Tabular Data
Organize table data for analysis.
- Course Example - Premier League Team Information
- Indexing into Cell Arrays
- Summary of Organizing Tabular Data
Specialized Data Types
Store data in relevant data types. Operate on the data types.
- Working with Dates and Times
- Operating on Dates and Times
- Representing Discrete Categories
- Summary of Specialized Data Types
Preprocessing Data
Perform typical data preprocessing tasks in MATLAB, including normalizing data and dealing with missing data.
- Course Example - Preprocessing Electricity Usage Data
- Working with Missing Data
- Interpolating Missing Data
- Summary of Preprocessing Data
Common Data Analysis Techniques
Perform common data analysis tasks in MATLAB, including smoothing data and fitting polynomials.
- Course Example - Analyzing Electricity Consumption
- Summary of Common Data Analysis Techniques
Programming Constructs
Create flexible code that can interact with the user, make decisions, and adapt to different situations.
- Course Example - Comparing Prices
- Summary of Programming Constructs
Increasing Automation with Functions
Increase automation by encapsulating modular tasks as user-defined functions. Understand how MATLAB resolves references to files and variables.
- Creating and Calling Functions
- MATLAB Path and Calling Precedence
Troubleshooting Code
Explore MATLAB tools for debugging code.
- Inspecting Variable Values
- Summary of Troubleshooting Code
Review Project II
Tie together several topics covered in the course.
- Project - Review of Fundamentals
See next steps and give feedback on the course.